I photographed Marian’s barn a few weeks back after I had finished photographing her neighbour’s Ashleigh’s barn. This barn is the smallest one I have photographed so far but unique as they redid the foundation with logs and mortar. It is a working barn as well and she raises goat’s which are so much fun.


Her barn has been in the family for 3 generations. Her father owned it and her grandfather before that. It’s cool to see that it has stayed in the family for so long. If I recall she said it was built in the early 1900’s. A lot of the barns have an symbol engraved in the top of the barn telling who made it. On her barn there is this interesting shape on the top. She read in a paper article that they all mean something different. She read that the symbols are cut to make a whole big enough for swallows to enter the barn which is meant to ward off lightning strikes. I guess so far it has worked as her barn is standing and has never been struck by lighting.


I’m still looking for more barns to photograph, so if anyone out there knows of any barns please send me an email at jonfaulknor@gmail.com